BlooD Clinic

The blood test clinic has now moved from Antioch to the Mass Vaccination Centre in Dafen, SA14 8QW

To book an appointment, please contact the appointment line on:  0300 303 9642. You can also now book a blood test online. Click here to book online.

Please note: Antioch cannot help with blood test queries or appointments. It is run by the NHS.

The blood test clinic has now moved from Antioch to the Mass Vaccination Centre in Dafen, SA14 8QW

To book an appointment, please contact the appointment line on:  0300 303 9642.

You can also now book a blood test online. Click here to book.

Please note: Antioch cannot help with blood test queries or appointments. It is run by the NHS.

Reminder: Antioch isn't closing!

Yes, the blood test clinic has relocated but did you know that there's always been so much more going on here than just blood tests? And no, Antioch hasn't closed!

As well as being a community centre, Antioch is the home of Antioch Church and we've been based in Copperworks Road, Llanelli, since 1996.

Antioch became a registered charity in 1992, purchased the building that is now the Antioch Centre in 1996 and we've been upgrading the building since then.

We have a number of multi-function spaces available. Partnering with the community and local organisations, we offer services and programmes that make a difference.

We have a number of multi-function spaces available. Partnering with the community and local organisations, we offer services and programmes that make a difference.